Transforming the lives of foster youth that age out of the system and communities facing cancer and illness by fostering a culture of healing, shared strength, and unwavering support in the face of challenges.
Are you a holistic practioner passionate about helping patients of cancer and other illnesses to heal holistically or anyone passionate about kids and helping them not only survive but thrive and give them opportunities to become the person they dreamed of? Help us help them.
Your Donation will help a child who is aging out of the foster care system to obtain a place to stay, the resources to connect to a community, create a support system, and become the best version of themselves. You will also help Patients of cancer and various other illness and their care givers the opportunity to heal, recover and rebuild.
About Us
Our Mission : My Oasis of Hope provides opportunities and a community to young adults who age out of the foster system and free resources for patients of cancer and other illnesses to heal, recover and rebuild.